Principle Investigator
Postdoctoral Fellow
I’m interested in how linguistic expressions and extra-linguistic factors shape the distinction between prototypical lies and ‘merely’ misleading acts, as well as the effects of cross-cultural differences on the perception of Truth, Falsity and Lies.
Research Assitant
PhD Student
Research Assistant
PhD Student
I'm interested in how individuals map inter-speaker variability and how they use this information - do we align with our partner? do we generalize their language-use to other domains? what do we make of their personality?
PhD Student
I’m interested in the interplay between trust/belief and interpretations - How does belief harmonize our cognitive and neural processing, comprehension, and personal interpretations? In what ways do varying alternative meanings influence this process? And finally, how do we decide to believe and trust others in discourse?
PhD Student
PhD Student
I'm interested in the various ways we resolve lexical ambiguity – do we rely mainly on context or are there other factors that influence retrieval of the appropriate meaning?
PhD Student
PhD Student